Forty-eight years ago, Meg Harrison, founder and owner of BlackWing Farms, was using flower essences for the treatment of teens facing alcohol substance abuse. She had a revelation in the aftermath of a horrible horseback riding accident when the horse's owner used flower essences on Meg and her horse to great affect.
Since that time 30 years ago, Meg has created a wide range of products to help with the mental, physical, and emotional needs of animals... 24 species and counting!
Uses of these products were well proven in the wake of the Southern California wildfires of 2003 where her products helped to calm and stabilize traumatized pets and farm animals who were lost, injured, or abandoned during the fast moving blazes.
At this time Meg decided to market her products and became BlackWing Farms.

In 2005, Meg then went to Louisiana and volunteered (eventually to be hired by the Humane Society of the United States) to help care for the animal victims of Hurricane Katrina (and while there also weathered Hurricane Rita). Again the value of her flower essences was proven as time and again they effectively helped to calm and treat the animals in the care of the Humane Society of the United States and the Louisiana SPCA.
Since then the products of BlackWing Farms have been requested by various distributors including Jeffers Pet Catalog, as well as the animal rescue organizations, Best Friends Animal Society, ASPCA in NYC, Animal Farm Foundation, the Humane Society of the US, The Gentle Barn in their rescues and long term care of slaughterhouse
Within the last 15 years, we also began to market a line of sprays for use by people to affect mood. This product line is a direct descendant of the flower essence concept used by Meg 48+ years ago and are formulated using Flower Essences and Essential Oils.
Our practices and policies...
- Our essential oils are all medicinal and therapeutic grade and we never trade with China or Russia because we do not believe in their practices.
- Practice never includes roots or bark for the health and sustainability of the planet's plants, weeds, and trees.
- Only a select few people are allowed to work on the products adding to the integrity of what we do.
- Everything we make is done individually by hand following the traditions of Dr. Edward Bach.
- Our packing peanuts have been edible and compostable since 2007 when they were not cheap!
- Every year, we donate and discount so much to rescues and rescuers that we don't quite tell the IRS the entire truth! Debra said they'd never believe us!!
- We guarantee our products and never question a refund request. We are so sure of our product, we don’t even ask for the remedy to be returned since we know that is not the problem.
- Our policy is "Permanent behavior improvement for any animal, any problem." Refunds average 0.06% annually.
As Seen In
Pet Lovers Publications
Chronicle of The Dog, Assoc of Prof Dog Trainers.
Natural Awakenings Magazine
Natural Horse Magazine Equine Affaire
San Diego Humane Society lecture series
Best Friends Society Magazine
Whole Dog Journal
Jeffers Pet Catalog
Animal Wellness Magazine, product pick
Complete Idiot's Guide to Natural Health for Dogs & Cats by Liz Palika

Our Success
- We never give up! No matter what or who! And still our success rate is 93% and that is not considering the 6% of humans who used our products
wrong! So that math is 99% !! - 91% of our customers reported improvement within 3 days. This includes animals in emergency situations, stuck emotionally in a traumatic past, or currently living in a less than ideal setting.
That's amazing - no matter how you slice it.
Shorty & his favorite Mousekateer, my Granddaughter. They have been pretty much inseparable since she was born. (He is my first-born Grandchild.) BRAGGING RIGHTS!