Skeptics and Beginners Welcome March 10, 2025Meg Harrison More valid, valued, and verified today than when first written 11 years (and 165,000 animals) ago - Thus the historical references to Hurricane Katrina and 9/11. FLOWER ESSENCE REMEDIES: Flower...
Cheers for Dandelions March 04, 2025Meg Harrison Cheerful Dandelion enjoys a reputation as the “Flower of Survival” for many reasons = #1. it is commonly the first flower to bloom in the spring and last to die...
Good Growlings on Valentine's Day February 10, 2025Meg Harrison This is more a Stephen King story of Valentine's Day but - IT is true and IT needs to be told... every year. The tall, black Great Dane belonged to a...
I Fall in Love Easily, Quickly, and Often February 06, 2025Meg Harrison She did not belong to me. But she did not have to. I was gonna love her none-the-less. She was a black and white Tuxedo. No - she was a...
Our Emotions Effect / Affect Our Animals February 04, 2025Meg Harrison Transfer of Emotions Be aware of your power to influence your animals’ behavior – for better or worse. I used to tell my students: Every time you handle your horse,...
ZOOM, HUNT, BUCK! Then, please, Settle Down. February 03, 2025Meg Harrison Try to stay out of the way of all that happiness - it could be dangerous. Knocked down by your own Dog is not good for your resume or dating...
Short and Sweet - How can we help? January 16, 2025Meg Harrison Fire Victims. Domestic Animals. Wildlife. Support teams. First Responders. Transport Providers. Everyone is significant when it comes to an experience like what is happening in the Los Angeles area and...
Emergencies = Good Advice Bears Repeating January 10, 2025Meg Harrison Duct tape, a pocket knife, twist tie trash bags, zip locks, and a Sharpie. Extra food, water, leashes, collars, halters and lead ropes are indispensable. Double everything you think you need...
Party like it's 1999 November 26, 2024Meg Harrison Who is coming over?? What should we do? How should we behave? What should we wear? It's a party.... Run and find a hat!!! Or a toy!! Or a ball!...
Zoopharmacognosy is Animal-medicine-knowing November 15, 2024Meg Harrison Zoopharmacognosy is defined as "a behaviour in which non-human animals apparently self-medicate by selecting and ingesting or topically applying plants, soils, insects, and psychoactive drugs to prevent or reduce the harmful effects of pathogens and toxins. The term derives from Greek roots zoo ("animal"), pharmacon ("drug, medicine"), and gnosy ("knowing")."...
Katie the Cat October 02, 2024Meg Harrison She had quit eating her usual portions, slowed her exercise, no longer played with any toys and quit grooming herself. She was a tidy Cat. Normal in every way. Relinquished...
Eating Dirty Potatoes September 09, 2024Meg Harrison There is a theory, a phenomena called: The Hundredth Monkey – also the title of a book written by Ken Keyes in 1982 concerning Macaca fuscata Monkeys living on the...
The Story of Colonel Squeeek and My Perceptual Blindness August 09, 2024Meg Harrison Can't make this s**t up. Matter of fact, I have always found Truth to be much more entertaining than the best written fiction. Matter in point: Colonel Squeeek. Yes, that...
Separation ANGST July 22, 2024Meg Harrison I have come home to a Rottweiler on the roof - YES, LITERALLY. Also, a cowering German Shepherd, an indignant Jack Russell who did not talk to me for hours....
One Teachable Moment Lasts a Lifetime July 11, 2024Meg Harrison Learning is the memory of an experience coupled with an emotion. Period. Pause. Take that in for a moment. Learning = Experience + Emotion = Future Action. Emotion experienced at...
Negotiating Part 3 June 12, 2024Meg Harrison Give me 2 minutes to Prove that Happily Ever After is Possible HAPPILY... Gathering information about our Animals is primarily discovering what makes them = each individual Animal = feel safe...
Negotiations - Part 2 June 06, 2024Meg Harrison NEGOTIATING WITH OUR PETS - part 2 - Gathering information and Influencing behavior Have you discovered THEIR highest value REWARDS and how you can use those to their benefit? Have you...
Negotiating with a Dog - Part 1 May 23, 2024Meg Harrison Negotiation is the heart of collaboration. It is what makes conflict potentially meaningful and productive for all parties, writes Chris Voss in his book: Never Split the Difference. Wonder if he has a...
Spoiler Alert - I got bit. May 16, 2024Meg Harrison Yup. Bit. And NOPE - did not believe it would happen. However, looking back with 20/20 hindsight, all the signs and signals were blatant. Here is the short version: I...
Affiliates and Referrals April 04, 2024Meg Harrison You have something that others may not = The experience of helping animals and people overcome difficult circumstances going on to live full and happy lives. You have a leg...
Twenty-three Countries Worldwide March 07, 2024Meg Harrison WORLDWIDE - 23 countries have requested and received BlackWing Farms' Remedies - a BELGIUM shelter being the latest and greatest! By the numbers @ BWF: 22 years in business. 23 countries...
Serve our REMEDIES as a warm soup, tea, or frozen like ice without the cream! February 01, 2024Meg Harrison Use our ESSENCES any way that serves you best. Loukia came up with a great idea - Mixing her BlackWing Farms 'potion' :: NEW BEGINNINGS with bone broth. Perfect to serve warm, at room...
Speaking of Humping January 19, 2024Meg Harrison Speaking of humping... Years ago, my Chiropractor asked how to get his Retriever to stop humping furniture, blankets, and house guests. I asked if the Dog was causing harm to himself or...
Leash - pulling IS pushy January 12, 2024Meg Harrison Taking a closer look at 'Pushiness'; we see the results and they are not pretty. What if... Memories associated with an activity (for example WALKING ON A LEASH) are unpleasant, possibly...
Troublemakers, Rebels, and Misfits. December 07, 2023Meg Harrison Here’s to us… “Here's to the crazy ones. The misfits. The rebels. The troublemakers. The round pegs in the square holes. The ones who see things differently. They're not fond...
Newly Discovered Side Effects and Benefits November 20, 2023Meg Harrison Emailed Dec. 26th. Hi Meg, I thought I should warn you of the unusual side effects of Calm Balm and Brave Balm. Yesterday I hosted Christmas dinner for my family. I was...
Blending Animal and Human Behavior November 16, 2023Meg Harrison When my GrandChildren were 18 months and 3 years old, respectively; I visited for the first time in quite a while. They were shy and stood back with their Pitbull...
In The Blink of an Eye... September 15, 2023Meg Harrison ~ Did you see that? Everything just changed! Hackles went down. ~ Breathing got calmer. They quit barking!! ~ Our new Cat came out from hiding. Our groomer gave us a discount....
Separation Anxiety Solutions (a 3 minute video) August 29, 2023Meg Harrison From BlackWing Farms' Animals Inside Out - a YOUTUBE video
Hammock Blend Earned its Name August 25, 2023Meg Harrison HAMMOCK BLEND is a Remedy born out of personal desperation. (HaHa - as were all my formulas - if the truth be known!) My husband was a few months into his ‘general...
Three Pillows and a Pair of Crocs August 10, 2023Meg Harrison Street Dog from Mexico. I’d bet my paycheck on it. She walked, talked, and kept her distance as a good street Dog would. She had slant eyes from too much...
Unintended Consequences August 03, 2023Meg Harrison CONSEQUENCES: the result, effect, outcome of something occurring earlier. Like what? Positive ACTIONS result from, result in better choices. Healthy REACTIONS result from, result in feeling good. Contemplative RESPONSES result from, result in...
3 Rotties, 2 GSDs, 5 Border Collies, a few Terriers, and 17 Cats. July 11, 2023Meg Harrison Not all 37 in the house at once! But now, a lifetime later, they all reside in my heart's photo album. I miss them, their uniqueness, their pack mentality, their...
Calming a Stressed and Scared Rescue Dog May 26, 2023Meg Harrison Nik, a shelter volunteer wrote this and videotaped the journey of this WONDER DOG proving that anything is POSSIBLE ! "'Recently, a little 8-year-old Chihuahua girl was taken into a California...
Helping Humans One Animal at a Time, the book April 26, 2023Meg Harrison There is no substitute for patience, positive training, & understanding but sometimes we simply need to pull the lamp closer to get a better look at the cause of their discontent, to...
Cats and Essential Oils Controversy April 26, 2023Meg Harrison Stand up for what is right and you will never be wrong. I’m blogging a letter I wrote today in response to 3 emails querying about Cats and Essential Oils...
What is the difference between a Flower Essence, a homeopathic remedy, and an essential oil? April 25, 2023Meg Harrison Question: What is the difference between a Flower Essence, a homeopathic remedy, and an essential oil? A FLOWER ESSENCE is 3-5 flowers, petals, leaves, or needles (Pine) placed in water, in...
WARNING - Content may be offensive to some Dogmas - CAUTION March 24, 2023Meg Harrison ATHENA and JESUS This precious 4 year old Girl already loved all animals deeply. Horses were hands-down favorites. On Easter Sunday, she got the news that her favorite Horse, Athena, had...
Grief is Love... with no place to go. January 23, 2023Meg Harrison Physically I can recall the relief when my vet said: NOT TODAY.
Captain Morgan, a Horse with a Problem December 15, 2022Meg Harrison It would be a month before I heard the black horse had a nickname: Widow Maker. He was not a popular horse. He had bucked off a lot of people....
Wolf-Dog Sanctuary December 06, 2022Meg Harrison 10/10, Our favorite products for the pack!! Review by Jennifer @ Wolf PAWS 'Positive Awareness Wolf-dog Sanctuary': Wolf PAWS 'Positive Awareness Wolf-dog Sanctuary' was formed in 2013 in the foothills of...
Best Dog November 07, 2022Meg Harrison Good-byes were always difficult when I had to leave my family since my visits were only a few times a year. Their Pit mix mutt was last. I kissed Shorty...
From Trauma to Recovery in 30 Days with Flower Essences: Starr's Story November 05, 2022Meg Harrison Can't Train Trauma After years of working with rescued and “damaged” horses headed to their end because of bad behavior, I came to believe these horses were, to varying degrees,...
Shakespeare and Beer Helmets November 03, 2022Meg Harrison What The FLOCK... "...collective behaviors are found across the animal kingdom — and regardless of our penchant for Shakespeare and beer helmets, humans are animals, too. Some scientists think the...
Surviving Trauma October 12, 2022Meg Harrison We are so often bystanders, witnesses to our own lives in many ways. Helpless in natural disasters or trying to digest the confusion of human cruelty leaves us impotent and...
Essential Oils + Flower Essence Blends As Herbal Remedies for People October 05, 2022Meg Harrison We concentrate on caring for our family, friends and animals and we often neglect ourselves. We created two Essential Oils + Flower Essence aromatherapy spray products as herbal remedies to...
Goats, Pigs, Rabbits and Others August 31, 2022Meg Harrison They love us. We love them - the goats, pigs, rabbits and others. And even though we have never met, the love affair continues. May I share that BlackWing Farms’...
Grief, Loss, Trauma, and Compassion Fatigue August 08, 2022Meg Harrison Animal guardians, advocates, caregivers are not strangers to grief, loss, trauma or compassion fatigue nor do they pretend to be unaffected - but sometimes we are caught off-guard, stuck deep...