She did not belong to me. But she did not have to. I was gonna love her none-the-less. She was a black and white Tuxedo. No - she was a big bay Mare. No – a Chihuahua. No – a Corgihuahua. No – an Iguana.
Getting the point here? I fall in love easily, quickly, and often. I am not breed, color, nor species specific. It more has to do with proximity. My boundaries? Ha. About 10 feet! Needless to say, shelters are no place I should go. Ever. Rescues are better because these Animals have homes and families and are not up for grabs.
Affinities: Cats in Tuxedos, bay Mares, and most Dogs are not safe in my orbit. I fall in love too easily.
PSA: Adopt don't shop. Or volunteer and fall in love even if it is just for the afternoon.