More valid, valued, and verified today than when first written 11 years (and 165,000 animals) ago - Thus the historical references to Hurricane Katrina and 9/11.
Flower Essences balance, maintain, and repair emotional and mental well-being in almost every animal. Essences address current crises and, equally as important, their past – replacing old, negative memories with healthy, positive thoughts. Effects on the animals’ future behavior include giving them the opportunity to learn, and to accept, co-operate with, and trust human intervention and companionship.
Veterinarians, trainers, groomers, world class competitors, rescue organizations, equine dentists, animal control officers, farriers, animal shelters and sanctuaries were all once skeptical but now use, recommend, and endorse these remedies because they have seen the incredible results helping modify behavior(s) permanently.
Essences address the cause of the problem and help the animal mentally and emotionally overcome even the most stubborn issues. 6 ½ years after 9/11, a NYC dog overcame her chronic fear of loud noises. Feral cats are now house cats. Phobic and compulsive behaviors are dissolved. Horses branded incorrigible and dangerous are now gentle and trustworthy.
Hundreds of SHELTER BLEND bottles were taken to the Gulf Region post-Katrina. When Hurricane Rita struck, essences were put in all the waters and sprayed throughout the barn at Lamar-Dixon in Gonzales, LA. We had the quietest, calmest barn full of 250 rescued dogs, and 5 volunteers asleep on FEMA cots. YES, WE SLEPT THROUGH A HURICANE!
Months later, some dogs and cats were still not rescued, living under abandoned houses, drinking contaminated water and eating whatever they could find. Deb Rykoff, DVM from Barrington, Illinois and 25-year veteran volunteer working in New Orleans with Best Friends Sanctuary said: “We not only used your sprays in the field rescuing animals, we used them in the trucks transporting, and at staff meetings at the end of a long day.”
These examples are extreme but prove essences can be incredibly effective in our everyday lives. They help all individuals overcome problems with phobias, neurotic behaviors, grief, stress, training troubles, separation anxiety and more.
“Like treats like” is the premise. A plant causes the same symptoms in a healthy person that it cures in an unhealthy person exhibiting the same symptoms. Quinine bark creates symptoms of malaria in a healthy person and is used to prevent and treat malaria. Every plant has a purpose. Some provide emotional nutrition.
Dr. Edward Bach, a 1930’s British physician and bacteriologist, discovered that if he drank the dew gathered from the Mustard plant, then he became depressed. Consequently, Mustard is the essence used for depression. Mimulus is for fear. Star of Bethlehem is for shock. Impatiens is for patience. Bach discovered 38 remedies. Since then, thousands of remedies have been documented for use in humans. Animals are not complicated and do not require extensive and exotic plants for their well-being.
After years of working with rescued and “damaged” animals headed to their end because of bad behavior, I came to believe these animals were, to varying degrees, in a state of shock. Many were so surprised by their inhumane and confusing treatment that they either shut down, became enraged or stubbornly mis-behaved, making them unpredictable and dangerous.
After giving essences, dramatic behavior improvements took place that seemed impossible, given the history of the animal or the circumstances including hurricanes, weeklong firestorms, tornadoes and court ordered animal seizures.
Current trauma is addressed and, equally as important, the past – replacing old, negative memories with healthy, positive thoughts. Effects on the animals’ future behavior include giving them the opportunity to learn, and to accept, co-operate with, and trust human intervention and companionship.
Kennel Manager, Janet Parker of the Louisiana SPCA in New Orleans, 2 months post-Katrina said: “Within days, we noticed that the aggressive dogs and cats were back from the front of their cages and the shy ones had come forward. Doesn’t get any better than that.”
Firestorms and hurricanes are the extreme while most of us are concerned about our animals’ daily lives and providing the best environment for them. Athletes in our lives deserve stress-free training without confusion and stress. Flower essences and homeopathic remedies supply every animal with what they need to live a more successful life.
No side effects, no chemicals, only plant-based products. Just put a few drops in drinking water, food, treats, on pets’ bedding, toys, crate, carriers, kennel or simply mist the animals’ environment.
More than 9,000 pieces of mail arrived at the Louisiana SPCA shelter by the end of 2005.