Hammock Blend Earned its Name

Hammock Blend Earned its Name

HAMMOCK BLEND is a Remedy born out of personal desperation. (HaHa - as were all my formulas - if the truth be known!)

My husband was a few months into his ‘general anxiety disorder’ diagnosis and NO OFFENSE he was driving us all close to the edge… He would come home on a Friday afternoon worried and upset about Monday morning’s workload and ruin everybody’s weekend. He could not help it! I knew that. I knew he loved us and wanted us to enjoy our time together. I asked if I could try to help. He said 'yes'.

So – I researched, mixed, shook, and sniffed until I got this new concoction to the right fragrance and emotional feeling - where it was very soothing and ‘nice to be around.’ Flower Essences were added for their positive emotional effects on a complicated personality prone to worry, sleep disorders, and bursts of anger.

When I was all done “playing” I told him I needed his help with a new formula and proceeded to lightly spray his clothes, hands, and one spritz over the top of his head. I said: “That’s it.”

I lost track of him for an hour when I saw him stumbling up the path from the barn. His hair was a mess and his shirt untucked. We had 8 Horses below and I feared the worst.

All he said was: “What did you do to me?” UH OH was my only thought.

“Why?” I asked.

“Because I just took a nap in the hammock. I've not taken a nap in 30 years.”

“How do you feel?” I asked.

“I feel great - I just took a nap in the hammock.”

This formula now and forever is named: HAMMOCK BLEND = a combination of Cinnamon leaf* and Bergamot leaf* essential oils for clarity of thought; then we blend with Flower Essences of Sweetgrass to welcome change, Tiger Lily to manifest trust and dissolve worry, Purple Monkeyflower melting deep ingrained insecurities, and Angel’s Trumpet to see the best in all situations. 

Difficulty falling asleep, staying asleep, or waking up with negative, worrisome thoughts are all assuaged with this Remedy. Improvement is often felt on the first night. Does not matter how long ago the upsets began or how long they have lasted: days or decades. Essences are here to help you 'here and now' and move forward with renewed optimism and fresh creative thinking.

Try this 100% natural sleep aid and if it is not for you – no worries – we will immediately refund your money. Just ask! 


Have I mentioned lately that I love my job?

Massage Therapists, Trainers, Pet Sitters, Healthcare Admin, Staff and Volunteers nationwide love HAMMOCK BLEND - you will too or get your money back! No questions asked!

* @ BlackWing Farms, we never use roots or bark or the 'heart' of a tree = for the health and sustainability of all our Planet's plants, trees, and critters.