Calming a Stressed and Scared Rescue Dog

Calming a Stressed and Scared Rescue Dog

Nik, a shelter volunteer wrote this and videotaped the journey of this WONDER DOG proving that anything is POSSIBLE !

"'Recently, a little 8-year-old Chihuahua girl was taken into a California animal shelter as a stray. My mom saw that she was scared to death, shaking, and on the outside of her cage it said that she was growling and nipping at people.

Since my mom and I are in the kennel enrichment program, we got to work ASAP. My mother ritually sprayed the "Shelter Blend" spray and also rubbed "Calm Balm" on the little girl's bed every day- which are both aromatherapeutic tools that BlackWing Farms manufactures in order to help stressed and scared pets. Find out more about them here:

With the combination of aromatherapy, love, and time, this little girl (that my mom and I call Poppy) made a quick progression from scared little nippy girl to a happy little love bug! By the 5th day, she was coming up to us and nudging us to pet her! When we came two days later, she was ecstatic to see my mother! When we took her on a walk, it was very clear just how much she had progressed in such a short time!

This video hopefully illustrates how easily and effectively the power of LOVE can make such a HUGE difference. Little Poppy went from being a growling, shaking, petrified animal that was biting out of fear, to an amazingly loving, excited, tail-wagging, little girl!

My mom and I would love to thank the kennel enrichment program, which is Carla Naden's wonderful idea that has come into fruition and already changed the lives of many - animals and humans alike. It has definitely changed my mother's life as well as mine; we enrich the animals' lives and they enrich ours. If you would like to participate in this extraordinary program, email Carla at"

Video shot and edited by: Nik Peter  **  Assisted by: Jacquelyn Rae Peter

Song: "kid for today" by Boards of Canada