You have something that others may not = The experience of helping animals and people overcome difficult circumstances going on to live full and happy lives.
You have a leg up on others because you have seen what BlackWing Farms' Remedies will do for the seemingly hopeless also in seemingly hopeless conditions = both natural and man-made tragedies.
Real Unicorns or plungers on your heads - Join us - Stay with us - Trust us on this magical and innocent journey we have been on for 23 years with plans for 23 more...
AFFILATE PROGRAM in a nutshell: 10% off every order using your own customized code to share with ALL your friends and allies and .orgs! Then at EOM you get 10% on all their orders. So if you are clever - use your own personal or business code whenever you order for 20% off! Call me - takes 10 minutes tops to set it all up. SALES CONVERSION RATE IS 80+%. Call me.
Let's talk. 760-728-9900 Artwork by Liz Climo