Hi! Meg Harrison here, founder of BlackWing Farms. I am a flower essence expert specializing in animal behavior. I originally became interested in flower essences in 1974 in hopes that it would help my boyfriend become friendlier. The boyfriend didn't stick but I was immediately hooked on the positive effects the essences provide, eventually using flower essences for the treatment of alcoholic teens. 25 years ago, I had a horrible horseback riding accident and the horse's owner used flower essences on me and her horse to great affect. Since that time, I have created a wide range of products to help with the mental, physical, and emotional needs of animals.
I've successfully helped thousands of behaviorally-challenged animals using unique blends of essences, essential oils, and/or homeopathic remedies. Working with trainers, health care practitioners, rescuers, fosters, clinics, and shelters nationwide, BlackWing Farms sprays have facilitated positive change in the vast majority of cases, no matter how difficult or emotionally damaged.
There are too many success stories to count but one in particular comes to mind. We had been at the barn all day and the bottle of flower essence was nearly gone. It had been used up on dog fights, hissing feral cats, horses acting badly for a farrier, and the old ‘Mama' recently rescued from a case of neglect. For weeks, we’d tried desperately to get her pain free but still forced to discuss if we should euthanize. We’d cleaned her up, trimmed her hooves, doted on her with good nutrition and massage, combed her mane and tail free of burrs and mats. Despite all our hard work and good intentions; the years of neglect had taken its toll on her body. An emotional day on every level, but more was to come.
The farrier got tossed on his backside, boots in the air. The dogs, sensing trouble (or more likely just for the fun of it), started nipping at whatever moved. The shoer got a nip in a place not covered by chaps. Chaos is not a strong enough word. WHO'S GOT THE SPRAY?
We sprayed the air, the horse, the farrier, the dogs, ourselves, the students, the poor shoer and the other horses who witnessed the wrongdoings.
I was drained and jittery all at the same time. Impatiens Essence was perfect for this. While I still had 2 more horses to ride, I needed to be sharp and alert so I added Clematis Flower Essence for calm focus. Arnica Montana Essence and 30x homeopathic remedy is designed for negative muscle memory, probably more for the shoer and myself on this day, because it works well to eliminate negative memories and thrive in a positive emotional state.
An hour before sundown, we collapsed into lawn chairs at the entrance to the barn. We were now passing the bottle around to eliminate the emotional effects and settle ourselves and the animals we shared the day with.
“What a day.”
Thank goodness for the Essences. They definitely took care of all the drama and trauma. “That’s it! The new name: Drama-Trauma.”
With 40 years of experience working with difficult and damaged individuals, I have advocated for gentler, more effective ways to improve overall mental and emotional well-being along with the behavioral health of 24 different species. I continue to share my experience and hard-won knowledge with anyone who will listen whether in a webinar, lecture hall, walking shelter dogs, or during a natural disaster.
My next opportunity to spread my love and knowledge of flower essences in an upcoming webinar called Who Do You Love?, a 4-part series exploring solutions to the behavior problems of the animals you love. Whether you're a pet owner, a volunteer at a shelter, a foster parent or head of an animal non-profit, you and the animals you care for will benefit from this amazing web series.

Meg Harrison,
Founder of BlackWing Farms