ZOOM, HUNT, BUCK! Then, please, Settle Down. July 28, 2023Meg Harrison Try to stay out of the way of all that happiness - it could be dangerous. Knocked down by your own Dog is not good for your resume or dating...
Calming a Stressed and Scared Rescue Dog May 26, 2023Meg Harrison Nik, a shelter volunteer wrote this and videotaped the journey of this WONDER DOG proving that anything is POSSIBLE ! "'Recently, a little 8-year-old Chihuahua girl was taken into a California...
Helping Humans One Animal at a Time, the book April 26, 2023Meg Harrison There is no substitute for patience, positive training, & understanding but sometimes we simply need to pull the lamp closer to get a better look at the cause of their discontent, to...
Goats, Pigs, Rabbits and Others August 31, 2022Meg Harrison They love us. We love them - the goats, pigs, rabbits and others. And even though we have never met, the love affair continues. May I share that BlackWing Farms’...
Learn Her Trust March 16, 2022Meg Harrison “Don’t you mean, earn her trust?” Before I had the chance to embarrass myself by blurting out my correction, while the Horse smelled her legs, shoes, legs again...
Purrposeful Living February 02, 2022Meg Harrison A PURRPOSEFUL LIFE Cats say inappropriate things. Often. Just can’t help themselves. Or can they? They never learned appropriate vocabulary, nuance, inflections. Or did they? Responsibility for humans is to...
Feral Cats Changed “IN FRONT OF MY NOSE” April 09, 2020meg harrison THIS IS HOW IT STARTED and while I admit I got a little testy in the middle, (judge for yourself) but later I was told there is now: “a big...
Stop a Dog From Jumping and Fetch Me a Beer June 27, 2018Meg Harrison Speaking of humping... your feedback was awesome last week as so many enjoyed the humor of Hump Day in my last note - Thank You! Today is about JUMPING. More...